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Q&A: Jill Harrington, author of “Uncommon Sense”

Jill Harrington is the author of Uncommon Sense: Shift Your Thinking. Take New Action. Boost Your Sales which was just awarded Top Sales World’s Best Sales and Marketing Book 2017. As president of salesSHIFT, she helps sales teams from diverse industries shift the way they think and act, enabling them to drive bigger, better, faster sales in highly competitive markets.


What adjective best describes you?

Tough to pick one but I’m going to say ‘tenacious.” Meaning: If something is worth doing I make it happen regardless of obstacles. Writing this book by the tight deadline while running a demanding business is a perfect example.

In two sentences or less, can you tell readers something unique about your line of work?

I get to shift the way people think…And then hear how this impacts their results in business and life. What could be better than that?!

Why did you write Uncommon Sense?

I wrote the book to shine a light on a massive business blind spot: Many sales professionals and business owners are crazy-busy doing what they believe influences buyer behavior. But in the eyes of the buying community their actions are missing the mark.

Despite the vast number of resources on the subject of selling I keep hearing the same questions and challenges from sellers.  And frustrations from buyers.  It was time to write the book that shines a light on the common nonsense causing sales people to unwittingly exacerbate their biggest challenges. And refocus them on the uncommon sense required to efficiently deliver stronger sales results.

What do you hope readers will take away from this book?

The book is written in a fun, truthful and thought-provoking format, loaded with real examples, to make it easy for the reader to see the idiocy in some of the current selling “strategies” and “techniques.” It turns a spotlight onto what makes sense in today’s business environment. I hope that the light goes on for every reader and that they are inspired to take new action to supercharge their career.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Don’t take your self so g_ damn seriously.” It is Rule # 6 from Zander and Zander’s classic book, The Art of Possibility. It’s important advice to apply to work and life if you want to have greater influence and greater enjoyment in both.

January 17, 2018
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