Figure 1 Publishing

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Deal Announcement: Work-Life Bloom: How to Nurture a Team That Flourishes

In Work-Life Bloom: How to Nurture a Team That Flourishes, award-winning author Dan Pontefract takes a fresh look at integrating our professional and personal lives. Pontefract argues that there really is no such thing as work-life balance: our rigid attempts to achieve it don’t reflect current realities, and are in fact leading us to further burnout, stress, and unhappiness. Instead, he encourages a more holistic approach, promoting the idea of “blooming” in both work and life. Just as a flower needs the right mix of sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow and thrive, team members need the right mix of work-life factors to create a fulfilling and harmonious existence. Through primary global research, interviews, and personal experience, Pontefract delves into the current state of work and life, offering practical solutions for leaders and organizations to create environments where teams can flourish. Acquired by Publisher + President, Chris Labonté. Releasing Fall 2023.

Photo credit: Denise Lamarche


May 4, 2023
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